here is my essay on Privilege

The internets are a buzz with this Time Article, Why I’ll Never Apologize for my White Privilege. It’s written by a freshman at Princeton, who is very much just learning how to use his big words. He raises some interesting points that make me very much squirm with guilt. He talks a lot about what ones’ parents pass down, i.e. faith, work ethic, and why those things are important, and have nothing to do with Privilege. Give it a read if you would like have multiple and oftentimes conflicting feelings and questions. For example:  can we really compare the Holocaust to hundreds of years of Slavery? Which was worse? Why are we even TRYING to decide which is worse, when both were terrible? Why does the discourse feel like a contest of My Life is Harder than Yours?  And also, for those with privilege: how are they meant to  feel? How much privilege makes one privileged? Or, like the buzz feed quiz, are points deducted if, say, your Daddy is rich as crap, but you’re gay? Overweight?

I’ve actually been fascinated by the conversation the article has prompted. It’s something I think about a lot — my Privilege. Mostly  I feel like I’m meant to be ashamed of it. Or I find myself jealous of the tumultuous lives of others that have made them strong, solid, interesting people. But did my own Dad work so very, very hard to grant me the opportunities to pursue what I want so that I might be ashamed, and jealous? That doesn’t feel right. I should be grateful for my Privilege. But why does it feel so gross sometimes? But I have to say I agree, one should not apologize for it. We don’t expect people to apologize for being women or black or gay or short or anything else they can’t control. How is privilege different, as long as you’re not dickishly using it to your advantage, at the expense of others?

I guess all I can do is try and be a decent human being inside of said privilege, and also acknowledge it. I think thats where Lil’ Princeton went wrong. Instead of jumping into defending it, justifying it, picking it apart, he should have just started with, why yes. Yes I am.

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