And the Bekah said

 ….It was good.

I approve of these things:


A new rock musical, or rather, a play with words. It’s really awesome to see these new sorts of musicals  (extremely non-traditional with amazing music; like a gd truth party) succeeding on Broadway. So good. All based on the life/music of this dude ‘Stew,’ just Stew – Passing Strange is sort of a coming of age story that parodies fun things like black people pretending to be blacker than they are. It also delightfully pokes fun at German people, and has a lot to say about artists preferring art to life. That sounds gay. What I mean is – there was some line that I found to be truthful something like – art is better than life. Made me understand where I possibly get my uber unrealistic life expectations.


I. Love. This. Movie.



It’s funny, and re-imagined bible stories make me happy.

Finally, I calleth this last  item NOT good:


The Emperor’s New Clothes movie of 2007. To hip for its own good. To sassy to stomach. So much no, the story goes to crap. I think I’m involved in some sort of self-loathing with my dislike of this movie, but so be it.

I like You, though. I definitely like You.

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