Weekend in Review: Pt. 2. People, the iphone.


People, the iphone. Don’t pretend like you don’t know/want/are generally perplexed about the whole shebang.

People in NYC slept outside of the SOHO apple store for two days, wanting to be one of the first to purchase one, when they finally went on sale Friday at 6 pm.

Read about these nut jobs here: there is a site which gives suggestions about where they should pee during the waiting:

liphone people

Rich people paid poor not rich people to save a place in line for them. Smart people flocked to AT&T stores in Brooklyn, where they knew a few would be sold: AT&Ts sold out super fast.

So – last night – at 11 pm – Steve and I hopped in a car with his roommate, Mike, and his girlfriend, Lu – and hightailed it to Soho, over the Williamsburg Bridge.

People. We were home half an hour later – Mike and Steve both had iphones – they proceeded to ‘Geek out’ – as they call it – for the rest of the night – and probably will continue to do so for days.
We literally walked into the store – they did a little three minute iwaiting – which looked like this –


and then they were new Dads. Steve as a new Dad looks something like this:


The thing is imazing. Last night, it went down on me, and today, it helped a confused old Man wandering around Prospect Park figure out where Junior’s restaruant is. We found directions and pointed him in the right direction. Granted, he walked the other way, but we were ihappy to have helped.

It also plays music for all to hear like a stereo, fixes bikes, tells you you are pretty, turns into a canoe,
makes steak n eggs, and writes indie novellas.

Three cheers for the iphone.


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