am I annoying

Scenes from a marriage, in it’s 8th year:

me, to Morrison: am I annoying?

Morrison: hmmm

me: I mean, I’m a fairly decent person, I can be neurotic but I’m self-aware and have empathy and patience, sometimes —

Morrison: I —

me: You could have it way worse, I mean one might even OBJECTIVELY say that I’m catch of a Wife, what I lack in active listening I make up for ten fold in multi-tasking and baked goods.


Me: So on a scale of one to ten, how annoying am I

Morrison: well I —

me: I mean I’m not THAT annoying. I could be way more annoying!

Morrison: (so carefully) ….you’re a 4 out of 10?

Me: I mean YOU’RE annoying too, everyone is annoying, anyone that you live your life with day to day is going to be annoying, WHY do I spend so much time worry that I’m annoying, when I’m not actually that annoying, I mean that’s the real question, Is it the patriarchy, or an ex-boyfriend, or just how I’m wired —


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