The Game

I remember after I had Joe wondering if I had any plays left in me, or if I had written all of the plays that I ever would, but then Vivienne called me and asked me to write a Lysistrata Adaptation for Playmakers (the Rep company at UNC Chapel Hill, my alma mater) and suddenly I knew exactly what it would be. Four years later we have my next play, because I used to write 3 a year and now I write one in 4. It’s my meditation on marriage and video games — specifically my journey from loathing them to understanding them — and friendships, and why we need those, especially as adults. It’s thesis is the same as all of my plays, we should all find a way to love each other, and isn’t it beautiful that we do? I fully accept that I write with the heart of a fourth grader, the same one who decided to write and self publish a ‘Kid’s Book of Advice’ that no one asked for. But with the same heart, I hope to ask greater questions, the older I get. Ending up at the same place? At love? I’m not mad at it. Also, this is an AD. COME SEE US AT PLAYMAKERS, APRIL 10-28, BROUGHT TO YOU BY PLAYSTATION* INFO HERE

*** not at all

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