
Joe’s halloween candy still hangs in a bag by the door, he’s forgotten about it, doesn’t want it. Yesterday he started crying at a birthday party, mama I don’t want birthday cake, I’m not hungry, I had enough dinner. He likes to help me push the snickerdoodle dough through the cookie press but is completely uninterested in eating them. He likes to pretend his cars are eating chocolate chip cake but is VERY averse to actual chocolate. He doesn’t care about pie. The banana bread has too much banana. But then there’s his tootsie pop, his single lollipop, left in a a sacred bowl in the dining room. it gets five licks a night, between dinner and bed. It doesn’t matter if it’s from a birthday party two weeks ago, or halloween?! Move it, touch it, consider throwing it away, and it’s CERTAIN DEATH. I’m proud, I’m inspired, I’m confused. I wonder if he’ll ever get to the center.

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