
Earlier this week, The Notebook musical lost a family member: John Beasley, our OG Older Noah. He took what Ingrid and I created above and beyond our expectations, at 79 years old his performance was so painfully real, at once universal and specific, and heartbreaking. His acting was seamless, it never showed, he wasn’t just pretending to be nearing the end of his life, he was, but at the same time, he was still so strong, of mind and body, lifting in the gym every morning before rehearsal. He contracted Covid during previews in Chicago, and as strong as he was, it really ravaged him. I’m honored that we got to have him, at all, and grateful that he passed away with a huge dream realized. Honor him today by reading this incredible and now bitter sweet interview with American Theater magazine. The dude didn’t start acting until his 40s, and still left a huge mark on the industry and on his community. Don’t feel old today. You’re a million seconds young, and if you’re lucky, you’ll have millions left. Don’t count them, just live them. RIP Johnny.

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