fortune, and what to do with it

Today, on your college intro to ethics class: yesterday morning while jogging I spotted a twenty dollar bill on the ground. I stopped to pick it up — but then I thought, I don’t need this money. Twenty dollars isn’t that meaningful to me right now. I have plenty. Then I thought, I could take this twenty dollars and give it to someone that needs it. Or, I could leave it here, and gift some one else not just with the money itself, but ALSO the feeling of finding twenty dollars, which always somehow manages to charm the next hours of your life. And so, I left it there. All of this to say, if you happen to be a lucky person, perhaps it’s your job to share that luck however you can, make it available to other people, and also, I’M A REALLY GOOD PERSON WITH HIGH MORAL FIBERS, TELL YOUR FRIENDS.

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